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TSC linerless printers

Environmentally conscious and cost-efficient

TSC sets new standards in environmental friendliness and cost efficiency with its linerless printers. These printers do not require a liner, which reduces material consumption and waste.

Your advantage as a reseller

Offer your customers this environmentally friendly and cost-saving option. TSC’s linerless printers are an excellent addition to any portfolio and offer a clear competitive advantage. They’re easy on the environment and on your wallet!

Desktop label printers

Large selection with premium features

TSC Printronix Auto ID offers you one of the largest selections of desktop printers on the market. The desktop printers are developed to the highest quality standards and are also budget-friendly and customisable for use in a wide range of industries and applications. They come ex works with premium features such as high resolution, RFID and remote printer management.

Versatility in compact format

TSC is known for its versatile printing solutions and its desktop printers are no exception. These compact devices are ideal for smaller print jobs and fit easily into non-industrial scale environments. They offer excellent print quality and are easy to use, making them the first choice for many smaller businesses – from small batch start-ups to bookshops.


ODV2 printers

Quality assurance and cost savings

Printronix ODV2 printers offer unique quality assurance via barcode verification before printing. This minimises errors, saves time and therefore reduces costs for your customers. The built-in data verifier evaluates each 1D/2D barcode to ISO Standard 15415, 15416 and 15426, overwriting and reprinting incorrect labels. This way, only barcodes that can actually be read enter the supply chain – your customers avoid chargebacks and penalties due to missing labels. It pays off!

Your advantage as a reseller

The ODV2 printers are a unique selling point that you can offer your customers. They offer not only high quality but also cost savings, making them an attractive option for many industries.

Your advantage as a reseller

Printronix’ advanced RFID technology allows you to offer your customers a specialised solution for complex requirements. This opens up new sales opportunities and strengthens your position in the market.


TSC print engines

Versatility meets efficiency

TSC is a renowned market player known for its wide range of printing solutions. The print engines are specifically designed for industrial applications and offer you high performance. Easy integration into existing production lines makes these print engines an ideal choice for resellers who want to offer flexible and efficient solutions to their customers.

Your advantage as a reseller

TSC’s print engines are not only powerful, but also cost-efficient. This allows you to offer your customers high-quality printing solutions that optimise operations while reducing costs.